Baking soda is a wonderful leavening agent. When combined with moisture and an acidic ingredient, its power is unleashed and baked products rise. When combined only with moisture…not a lot happens. When combined with just an acid, not much happens either. It has to be a combination of all these factors. For the most part, when I am baking, I don’t have to wonder if the baking soda will do its job. If I present the right conditions, it will work. If I don’t bake much and the baking soda gets stale, it loses its effectiveness. I can still use it though. I can go into the fridge to absorb odors. Not a very glamorous job, but as a secondary use, it can still be effective.
Baking soda and our Christian walk have a lot of similarities. First, it is important to keep things fresh and add the right ingredients. This may take the form of an active prayer life, time studying the Bible, and attending church. Just like adding baking soda to some flour and an egg or two won’t produce the results that you want, having a faith that is devoid of the things that will make it grow won’t produce good results. With the right approach to faith, we don’t have hope that things will work out. We can have the confidence that comes with knowing that God is directing our steps.
Baking soda that is left on the shelf goes stale. Likewise, faith that is put on the shelf goes stale. If it is not used, it loses its effectiveness. That doesn’t mean that God can’t still use you, but the primary purpose that He had planned for you, may not become a reality. Think about the people and situations that may not have God’s blessing because you are just sitting on the shelf. If you choose later to get off the shelf, you may find yourself being used in a way that you know isn’t as effective as a result of choices that you made when God wanted you to follow His plan for your life.
Take your faith off of the shelf. Add the things that are needed to make it vital and alive. Use your life for the purpose that God intended.