Hey Jesus
Can we talk?
Of course. Anytime. What's on your mind?
Well, I was reading some of the stuff that you included in the Bible.
I was wondering if we could negotiate a little.
I don't negotiate, but you are welcome to talk about it.
I would like to be exempt from not doing some of the things you said are sin.
Do you know why I said not to do those things? I am protecting you from being hurt.
I understand, but that's for other people. I'm not getting hurt. Besides other people do stuff and it's ok.
It's not ok. You are being hurt. You just don't realize it. It doesn't matter what other people are doing. You need to make choices according to My Word and My will for your life. That is the only way that you can find true peace and joy.
But, I don't want to give it up.
Is that your final decision?
Yes, I don't care. I'm going to do it anyway.
Sigh. Well then, know that you can come back to me anytime. I will never stop loving you and wanting you to have a strong relationship with Me.
I guess I'm done talking then. I'm leaving.
Before you leave, I need you to do something. Grab that box and follow Me.
I'm going to stand here against this cross. You'll find what you need in the box. One goes through each wrist and the third goes through both of my feet. You'll need to use the hammer. If you change your mind about what you're doing, you know where to find Me.
Uhm, Jesus?
This isn't going to affect You blessing me is it?
What do you think?
I suppose that would be a lot to ask, but still...
The only thing that affects how I can work in your life is how long you keep Me on the cross.
Are you ready?
For what?
To decide whether You want Me in your life, or if you are going to keep me nailed to the cross.
(Thud, Thud, Thud...)