Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Leader on His Knees

Every Sunday, there is a time in our church service when people are welcomed to the altar to bring their prayers and petitions to God.  I have been attending this church since 1995 and almost without fail, there is one man that is consistently at the altar.  I don’t know why…that’s between him and God, but from what I know of this man, I am guessing that at least some of the time he is carrying our community to the cross and asking for God’s wisdom and direction in the face of change.  He is our city’s mayor, Ward Koeser.  This man has been in a position of leadership for many years.  He has weathered the challenges that come with both prosperity and disparity, with integrity.  He has been ripped apart in the newspaper by people hiding behind made up names, but continues to be a reflection of steadfast leadership.  He has appeared in numerous national media outlets, only to have them edit out some of his statements and then have to take the backlash of people who do not understand.  People may not agree with every decision he makes, but we always know that he has the best interest of the city in mind. Mayor Koeser’s relationship with God doesn't just appear when he is trying to win votes or look good for the public. It is evident in the life that he leads every day.  As a member of this community, I am so thankful that we have a leader that will bow on his knees before God and seek His guidance. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What defines you?

I have been confronted lately with the belief that a person’s worth is based, in some part at least, by their physical appearance.  Toddlers participating in beauty pageants are judged on whether or not they are “facially gifted”.  A man decides to make concessions in the area of physical beauty and gets to know a woman anyway, acting as if she should be grateful that he lowered his standards for her and makes a point of letting her know that.   I find it sad that while he describes that same woman as strong, analytical, honest, funny, interesting, intelligent, and supportive,  it does not outweigh the fact that she is not facially gifted.
How awesome that God sees the heart….where true beauty and true ugliness lie!  What a difference it makes when He sees us through eyes of love.  He sees us as being so beautiful that he paid the ultimate price just so He could spend eternity with us.  How different would our world be if we could use those same eyes of love and see beauty for what it really is?  How many people have we overlooked because we defined people by what they looked like rather than who they were?  Just sayin’
Signed….a strong, analytical, honest, funny, interesting, intelligent, and supportive woman

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Like Father, Like Sons and Daughter

This past Friday marked the 4th anniversary of my husband’s death.  I have learned that it doesn't get easier.  I miss him as much today as that day 4 years ago.  As the day went by, I found myself thinking about my kids.  I read some things that they had written about their dad and I was reminded that although Dan is no longer with me, he lives through his children.  It’s the sense of humor that you can’t help but smile about.  It’s the patience and care that is shown for children. It’s the friendliness that quickly dispels being a stranger.  It’s the encouraging word when it’s needed.  When I look at my children, I see their father.  The resemblance is unmistakable.
John 14:9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?