I like to go shopping…..but not for clothes. It’s difficult for me to find clothes that fit and are flattering. I guess that’s what happens when you’re shaped like a potato. When I go shopping for clothing, there are certain people that I want with me and certain people that I don’t. For me, the perfect shopping partner is honest, perceptive, and not afraid to give their opinion while still being kind. They know that I value their insight and are willing to share it with me. It’s easy to be the person who tells me that everything looks good on me. The problem is that when I wear that clothing later, it isn't flattering at all and I have wasted money.
I find it interesting to see that same concept in other areas of life. There are times when people only seek out those who will tickle their ears and tell them what they want to hear. They know that there are struggles and sin that they are facing, but rather than seek out and listen to the counsel of people who care enough to be honest; they only associate with those that will rationalize their sin and support their bad choices. Someone who is immature will avoid wise counsel, but maturity is evidenced by seeking truth.
In the same way, people often avoid those parts of the Bible that lead them to maturity in their walk with God. They only want to know the parts that give them a warm-fuzzy feeling and skip the parts that tell them that they need to change. That approach to faith cannot result in a deeper walk with Christ. It results in ongoing immaturity and not experiencing the relationship with God and others that He desires for us.
Don’t be satisfied with immaturity. Use the whole Bible as a guide to a deeper relationship with God. Seek out those people that will be honest with you. Don’t be afraid to hear that something makes your butt look big.