I had the need to drive down an alley today. I found it quite interesting. Several backyards were fenced in so no one could see. Others had fences that still allowed the view. Others had no fence at all. What I found most interesting was how the backyards looked. I have driven in front of the houses many times and for the most part they appear to be well maintained. The lawn is mowed, everything looks fine. Then there is the backyard. Not many people will see that part of the property. For that reason, there are some that will neglect it. It might need mowing or only have patches of grass among the weeds. There may be junk thrown about. On the other hand, the backyard might be a surprise….a relaxing oasis from the stress of the day, or a place where a family can enjoy time together.
I wondered about these backyards and how they might mirror our hearts. Sometimes things look great from the outside, but that isn’t a true reflection of what is going on in the heart. Like a backyard that has been neglected, we let our lives get overgrown with things that aren’t very beneficial and only have patches here and there of things that cause us to grow in God. A nice backyard doesn’t just happen. It takes attention and purposeful effort. Likewise, in order to have a growing relationship with God and others, we need to make an effort. That means more than a 30 second devotional as we hurry through our day, or a less than heartfelt prayer when we have expectations of God. It’s making time with Him a priority whether that is in the time we spend with Him privately or joining others in worship.
There are times that our backyard condition is less about neglect and more about the junk that we throw about. There are attitudes and actions that God specifically says to stay away from. Purposely engaging in those things is like throwing junk around the backyard. It creates an environment that results in not only you, but others getting hurt. More importantly, if what you are doing is in direct violation of what God expects, that junk can hinder someone from coming to Him.
I like the backyard oasis. The heart that is a reflection of the fact that God is a priority. The life that is sold out to what God wants. The actions and attitudes that cultivate a growing relationship with Him. The environment that draws others to Him.
Maybe it’s time to do some weeding, get rid of some junk, or spend some time making the heart match what we portray on the outside.