Because the master bedroom has been going through improvements lately, I have moved into a guest room in the basement of my house. This has also meant that I am primarily using the guest bathroom. Today while readying myself for the day, I took a look at some of the things that had been left by previous guests. I have 6 children, 5 daughters-in-law, and 7 grandchildren. From time to time, they find themselves at home and taking up residence for a few days in the “guest” rooms and bathroom. In addition, when weather is an issue or her work schedule is taxing, my sister will also stay with me. Apparently, they also tend to forget to take some of their products with them. As I looked at the items in the shower this morning, I found 4 bottles of shampoo, 5 different kinds of body wash, 1 bottle of conditioner, 1 bottle of baby shampoo, and 1 bottle of Dawn dish soap. Out of all of these products, only 2 of them were for my use. I looked at the other ones and noticed something that they all had in common. They were all used for getting the body clean. You may be wondering about the Dawn dish soap, but if you have a member of the family who works in the oil industry, you would understand. Other than that primary function, each of the products was different. Some were designed to do things like add extra body or control frizz. The body washes were an assortment of scents, some feminine, some masculine, and some neutral. There were products that cost a little bit more money and products that were purchased with economy in mind. Each individual or family had their own preferences for how to get clean.
John 14:6 says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Yes, Christ is the only way to the Father, but we experience our journey to and in Christ in different ways. Some people find their way at a very young age through the teaching and example of a Sunday School teacher. Some people find their way during a youth camp. Some people feel God speaking to them in a church service. Some people see Christ in a friend’s life and it causes them to seek Him. However it comes about is not the issue. The focus is that they accepted Christ as their personal savior and are living according to His word. In addition, Christians don’t leave their personalities at the altar. While there may be characteristics about us that God molds and shapes into more of His likeness, we are still individuals and have different views of how best to connect with God and fellow believers. Whether it’s a mega church, a small country church, or everything in between, as long as what is being taught is in accordance to God’s word, it’s merely a matter of preference. It doesn’t matter if the music is traditional hymns or contemporary praise as long as it serves to bring honor and glory to God and draw His people into worship. A congregation might be vocal or they might be quiet. Neither one is a definite indicator of spiritual health. What it comes down to is how we as Christians bring honor to God while drawing others to Him. The rest of it is just different brands of shampoo.
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