Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Apple Seeds

This morning, while waiting for a store to open, I decided to grab a cold coffee drink.  I saw a familiar face and spent a few minutes chatting with the lead pastor of New Hope Wesleyan Church, Mike Skor.  He was waiting for a couple of the other pastors to have a creative arts meeting.  Pretty soon, Shaun Breiland and Matt Beck showed up.  Shaun mentioned that he was in need of someone to do some texturing in his basement.  It just so happened that there was a guy texturing at my house today.  We used an app called Bump to transfer the contact information from my iphone to his iphone.  As the pastors prepared for their meeting, they fired up a MacBook, a MacBook Pro, and an iPad.  They also all had their iphones on.  A man sitting nearby commented that they must work in ministry because of all the Apple products present.  Pastor Mike engaged in conversation with the man confirming his observation and inviting him to church. 
Matthew 7:20 says, “Thus, by their fruit, you will recognize them.”  A man who was new to town “just happened” to be in the coffee shop on a Tuesday morning when there was a creative arts meeting involving some Apple fans.  The fact that these men of God were using Apple products resulted in conversation about God.  I don’t know if this man had a relationship with God, but I do know that a seed was planted this morning and the results may make a difference in eternity for this man and for others that he may meet along his life journey.
Although some may espouse that Apple products are an indicator of spiritual health, the reality is that they really aren’t.  I’m sorry guys.  The truth of the matter is that God used something that many would consider just a personal preference in technology to start communication that could bring people to Him. That’s pretty powerful.  As Christians, it is so important to understand that everything we are, every word we speak, every decision we make, every reaction that we have, has the power to affect eternity.  God can use anything about us to plant seeds…..like Apple seeds.

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