Sunday, January 15, 2012

Escaping the Fire

Friday night, I stayed late at work to get things ready for this week.  There weren't very many people in my part of the building, but there were basketball games starting in both the High School and Middle School Gyms.  There were probably about 200 people in the building.  About 6:30, I was running copies.  Then the fire alarm went off.  We have procedures to follow in the event that this happens during school and I felt it was prudent to follow the same procedure….well, not exactly.  I didn't have to take my emergency kit with me, yell for attendance when I got outside, keep students off of the neighbor’s lawns, and report to the designated people to make sure that all of my students were accounted for.  I left through the main entrance with 3 other people.  I glanced toward the entrance to the gym and was surprised to see that no one was exiting the building.  After several minutes, the alarm stopped, we reentered the building, and I went back to what I was doing.  Apparently, someone had burned the popcorn and it set off the smoke detectors.  Everyone was safe, but what if had been a real fire.  There were about 200 people that heard the alarm or saw the flashing lights and chose to ignore them.  I wonder what was going through their minds to bring them to that conclusion.  Were the games that riveting?  Had they become complacent because it had happened before?  Did they think they were invincible to danger?  Whatever it was, they stayed.  But, what if it had been a real fire.  The high school section was built in the 1950’s. That means materials, varnish, and construction that would result in a significant fire spread.  Think about 200 people now needing rescuing.  Think about the professionals that would have to risk their lives to do so.  Think about those that didn't make it. Think about the families and friends affected by the loss.  That’s pretty sobering, in my opinion. 
As usual, God tapped me on the shoulder and told me to pay attention.  The 200 people in the building didn’t see any evidence of fire.  They had no way of knowing if it was a concession stand catastrophe or a real danger.  Sin is like that.  We are so wrapped up in what we are doing that we ignore all the alarms that God has put in place to protect us.  We are so focused on enjoying ourselves that we just keep sinning no matter what the dangers are.  We can’t always see the evidence of sin so we think we can just ignore it.  In our opinion, no one is getting hurt at the moment so it doesn’t matter.  What we can’t see is that the fire is spreading and we are in danger.  Not only that, but we put other people in danger also.  We don’t think about the other people who get hurt either trying to rescue us or watch helplessly while they wait for us to admit the danger of the sin.  We don’t think about the fact that present sin may not seem all that bad, but can greatly alter what God had planned for our futures. 
God already gave us the procedures to follow in the event of being faced with sin.  Just like those who work at the school, we need to plan ahead, be prepared and follow the guidelines that are in place.  We need to stop ignoring the alarms that God is giving us.  Then we will be able to escape the fire.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Reminder to Myself

This week I had the displeasure of being outright dismissed… warning….no explanation.  For the last 6 months I have been communicating with a guy.  This was mostly texting with a few emails thrown in for good measure. In November, he assured me that we would have some phone dates…it never happened.  In December, he said he would call on Christmas… never happened.  In fact, the last message that I got from him Christmas night was positive…no indication that there was a problem.  Subsequent texts to him were unanswered so I decided to give him space.  After two weeks, I sent another message.  He replied to this one with basically a “Sorry, but not interested.”  Uhm what!!!!   I know what you’re thinking and trust me, I have thought the same thing over the past several days.  I see how totally pathetic I am to even put myself in the position to experience this situation.  I’ll wait for you to stop the laughing at the ridiculous notion of hope that I had……..Are you done?
I am so glad that God doesn’t dismiss me.  He will never leave me or forsake me.  He will never stop communicating with me.  He will never suddenly disappear, leaving me to wonder.  He will never make promises that He has no intention on keeping.  He is consistent and true and wants to have a relationship with me.  That’s a pretty hard act to follow, but I think I’ll wait for the man that can live up to those expectations.  After all, if Jesus thinks I’m to die for, I shouldn’t settle for anything less.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

What I learned in 2011

1.            My kids, daughters-in-law, and grandkids continue to be amazing.  Seriously….have you seen my kitchen!!!!  Jeramy did an awesome job!!!!

2.            I am incredibly blessed to have a job that I love, and a home of my own.  Those from the Williston area will understand how special that is.

3.            I need to remember that not everyone appreciates or shares the passion that I have for my job and my students.  That doesn’t change my passion though. 

4.            I really don’t like being treated like I’m invisible or not worth the effort and time that it takes to make a phone call or send a text.  I’m not sure how to stop that from happening though.

5.            I freely admit that I hope to find a godly man that will love me completely.  I miss sharing my life with someone.

6.            Corelle plates work very well for keeping furniture out of water when the basement floods.

7.            You cannot successfully run a sump pump using a converter plugged into the cigarette lighter of the car.

8.            I am very blessed to have friends who will come to my aid when I find myself inadequate to handle issues with my house.

9.            I don’t like being in church alone.

10.          I need to not place any expectations on other people.  I need to be grateful for whatever I can get.