Friday, September 28, 2012

911...This is God...What is Your Emergency?

I read a post recently by a young lady who alleges that the police in her town are harassing her because they were in the alley and watched her go into her house.  I don’t know all of the details of this situation, but I am smart enough to know that no matter how flat you make a pancake, it’s got two sides. (Thank you for the visual, Dr. Phil)  This post has created a bit of the stir with people claiming that police cannot follow you for more than three blocks, (everything that I have researched says that the police can drive anywhere in their jurisdiction, even if it’s behind your car), calling police vile names and in general, displaying an attitude of disrespect. Again, I don’t know the specifics of the situation and I really don’t care to.  I doubt that me knowing or her posting on Facebook about it will solve any problem with the police.  This did get me thinking though.
The same day that this was posted, I came home after dark.  As I drove down the alley, I saw two men walking.  They were probably just walking, but because my town has attracted people that may not respect human life or have mental illnesses that challenge their ability to make good decisions, I felt a sense of fear.  I put my keys between my fingers and quickly went from my garage to my house.  I was thinking that I would have loved to have had a cop following me and watching as I entered my house.
I think God gets treated like a cop sometimes. We don’t like the rules.  We think that we know better than He does.  We act like He’s a spoil sport just out to ruin our fun.  In reality, just like the laws are put into place to protect us from ourselves and others, the “rules” that God has put into place are for the same reason.  However, we go throughout our day profaning His name.  We are disrespectful to Him with our attitudes and actions.  We badmouth Him to those within earshot.  Until………
Life happens.  We find ourselves in situations that are painful.  We get to the end of our rope.  We experience the direct result of our own sinful choices.  That’s when all of a sudden, we dial up the 911 line to God.  I do believe that God can use times of crisis to draw us near to Him, but I’ve seen more times than I can count, when life gets a little better, we forget He exists and go back to the behaviors that got us in the mess in the first place.  When things get tough again, we blame God. 
We don’t know the whole picture.  The cops that were written about in that post may have known that there had been suspicious behavior in the neighborhood and were assuring the safety of the writer.  If something had happened to that person and the police weren’t there, there would be posts about their incompetence at not being there to serve and protect.  It’s a no-win situation for the police.  When God tells us in the Bible that something is wrong, we complain or just do it anyway. If it doesn’t “feel” like He’s right there or He doesn’t do exactly what we want when things get tough, we complain about that too. 
Maybe it’s time to grow up.  Maybe it’s time for us to realize that maybe, just maybe, we don’t know everything and that God isn’t a 911 dispatcher who we only contact in an emergency and then act like that’s a relationship with Him.  

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