Monday, June 4, 2012

Sex in the Digital Age

Before you start freaking out, this isn't “that” kind of blog post.  These are just some thoughts about the subject of waiting.
For years, prior to getting a cell phone, we had this interesting device in our house.  The purpose of this device was to allow callers to leave a message in the event that we were not able to answer the phone.  I remember coming home and going to check for messages…then came cell phones.  Now, a person can call me anytime they want and if I can’t take the call, they can still leave a message.  The difference is that I don’t have to wait until I get home to listen to the message and make a decision to return their call.  There was something exciting about seeing the red light flashing on the answering machine when I got home.  I have an iPhone.  In addition to phone calls, I can use Facebook, check and send emails, google anything, see if there is any activity on my online dating profile, play Words with Friends, and more.  I sat down at my computer today, opened up Chrome and started looking at Facebook.  I then realized that I had just seen what was there moments before on my phone.  The same applied to the other things that I check when I go online.  There was a letdown…a bit of disappointment.  The information was all the same, but because I had already seen it, there wasn’t that much of a thrill.  Do you see where I’m going with this?
God designed sex to take place between two people who are in a marriage relationship.  However, society has tried to convince us that it’s ok to engage in a sexual relationship whenever, wherever, and with whomever we choose. It has distorted what God intended to be something that a married couple shares with only each other into something that is a casual physical act.  Sex has become like carrying a cell phone.  There’s no need to wait for what you want.  It’s available at any time.  The problem is that when the time comes for a person to enter into a marriage relationship, some of the excitement that should be there isn’t because, for lack of a better phrase….been there, done that.  I know that the concept of waiting until marriage to engage in a sexual relationship may seem completely unreasonable to some, (cough, cough…my last date.  Don’t worry, he found someone without boundaries and I haven’t heard from him since) but the benefits of showing self-control until you are in a marriage relationship greatly outweigh the momentary pleasure.  Oh and besides…..God is pretty clear on the subject. Hmmm….Maybe He knows what he’s talking about.

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