Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What I Learned in 2012

1   1.   Letting go is a continual process.

2.  Prayer works.

3.  I really love my job, my students, and the people I get to work with.

4.  It takes courage to make big changes

5.  As much as I hate it, sometimes I have to ask for help.

6.  I am becoming more and more accepting of the fact that most likely I will never be in a relationship that is more than a friendship.

7.  People surprise me.

8.  It’s not smart to teach 5 cooking classes and plan for gastric bypass surgery at the same time.

9.  Kids and grandkids are pretty awesome.

10.  The biggest thing that I learned this year was also the hardest and caused the most change.  I learned that I am “selfish, self-centered, and only think of myself.” (I think “self-centered” and “think only of myself” are basically the same thing, but I wanted to keep the integrity of the direct quote)  These words came directly to me from more than one source so I can’t argue that I didn’t understand.  The thing is that those words have altered my perception of myself, dictated my enjoyment and participation in family events, changed how and if I should celebrate and share accomplishments in my career, determined when and if I use my phone and computer, made me question health decisions and if I should share about those health decisions, and caused me to wonder if those two people were the only ones brave enough to tell me what everyone else is thinking.  All I can do is continue to question and do my best to fade into the background.  I suppose that even writing a blog could be seen as selfish and self-centered, but I see it this way.  Those that have determined me to be selfish and self-centered have already made up their mind about who I am and probably don’t read it anyway.  Maybe there’s someone out there who can look past who I am and find something useful in what I write. 

Have a wonderful and blessed 2013!!  

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